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From Labour Party Support Group

Anyone who understands the character, seriousness and constitutional challenges of the job of a President, will appreciate the fact, that Tinubu , making out time to grace and attend Uzodinma’s 2nd Term’s inauguration ceremony as Governor of Imo State, while Nigeria is on fire and Nigerians groping in the worst , unbearable economic conditions , indicates clearly that Tinubu is never busy doing the work of President , for which he launched an all kill joy political ambition, with no intention to lead .
Leasing out precious time to attend a social function and be called all extolling names to appease his political cronies and perquisites of office, and fly back to Abuja thereafter , reckons Tinubu as a misnomer for leadership badge .
There’s nothing profitable in a presidential involvement with a mere inauguration ceremony of the Imo State Chief Executive, that lacks national character, while Nigerians die daily from various circumstances that smack of leadership failures of the present administration, which has refused to put the nation’s interests above their members .
Igbo politicians , besides Peter Obi , Pius Anyim and few others , seem to be so unpatriotic when it comes to Igbo interests .
Imagine that nobody including the politicians and constituents protested against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s continued incarceration and detention, despite judicial directions for his unconditional release and freedom .
They pretended that Kanu’s life does not matter, when it does .
It’s a shame that no member of other major ethnic group is subjected to the squalid conditions Kanu is subjected to , without his ethnic group championing his unconditional release .
Habaa Igbo Politicians !
How does it look or feel, seeing and watching Nnamdi Kanu, languishing for nothing under DSS custody, against the Rule of Law ?
What brand of democracy are we deludedly practicing in Nigeria, contrary to the American Presidential Model we blindly borrowed ?
I was so disappointed that Ohaneze Ndigbo hanged out there talking in their pockets, without spitting fire for one of their own, being unjustly abducted , detained, arraigned , tortured and incarcerated till date , in violation of his Fundamental Human Rights ?
That’s why, when God Almighty, Chukwu Okike Abiama, the God of the Igbos , will be judging Nigeria and Nigerians, the injustices, abuses and atrocities unleashed at Nnamdi Kanu, will be central in the parameters of His Judgement and Justice .

Peter Obi, Labour Party Presidential Candidate

Those responsible for all those man’s inhumanities of man on Kanu , will pay a heavy price .
Just watch out how it will play out .
Given the complex and cosmopolitan structure of Nigeria , any President, who doesn’t know how to lead by example and delegate his lieutenants for political representation, is not serious at all .
The job of President is not a bread and butter, amala, ewedu, suya and kilishi joke and not meant for those who are lousy .
Because Buhari destroyed his legacy, by colluding with the APC Leadership, to rig Tinubu into office, to be his anointed successor based on their alleged agreement by Tinubu , by corruptly inducing and using INEC , the Judiciary and Security Agencies, to perfect their evil plot , unwarranted and unconstitutional continuity in office, Nigeria will never experience peace and stability in due course, unless justice is done to the true winner of the Presidential Elections .
If it worked for APC in 2023 , it cannot work for them next time, otherwise Nigeria may be plunged into another bloody civil war, like the one currently raging in Sudan .
Gross injustice and series of injustices and political atrocities, lead to war , as seen and evidenced in history .
There’s no doubt that ugly events and incidents bordering around injustices, abuses , violent extremism and unwholesome atrocities, are irresistibly pointing to the momentum for a Revolution in Nigeria, before the birth of a new dawn for a new Nigeria .
Those responsible for the collapse and destruction of our nation will not witness the new Nigeria and generation of Nigerians, since they are opposed to positive democratic leadership change that works for everybody for the greater good .
It’s unbelievable that Tinubu could make out time to attend Uzodinma’s 2nd Term Inauguration Ceremony .
Former President Obasanjo could attend , because he has nothing to do with his time , except attending ceremonies, where it would cost his host money for PR .
Only Heavens knows how much that would be voted for Tinubu and Obasanjo’s physical appearance at that inauguration ceremony in Imo State.
Nobody would question Uzodinma’s authority, if he said that billions were voted and spent for a short ceremony of administering oaths of office .
That’s what happens where there’s no democracy in action in Nigeria and no checks and balances in separation of powers among the 3 tiers of government .
This period of political hooliganism, lawlessness , corruption and recklessness, will end and pass by someday, to usher in an enduring democracy, anchored on the Rule of Law and not on the rule of man , leviathan or absolute ruler , who rules by dictatorial tendencies .
Let’s wait patiently on the Lord in order to renew our strength , folks .

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