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EIDEL FITR : What APC Chieftain Wants Muslim Faithfuls To Do

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By Elias Inaede

A Notable Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State, Rotarian Simon Ogie, has urged Muslim Faithful to imbibe the lessons of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

In his EIdel Fitr Message, Simon Ogie, who is a devout Catholic, thanked the Almighty God for the privilege given to Muslims to witness another Eidel Fitr celebration which marks the end of the month of Ramadan.

Rotarian Ogie asserted that Ramadan is a sacred obligation to the Muslim Faithful and one of the five Pillars of Islam as taught in the Holy Quran.

According to him, Muslims and Non Muslims alike should pray for the peace, progress and unity of the country.

The APC Chieftain also urged Muslims to join hands to build a prosperous and better Nigeria that will be proud of all in the comity of Nations.

Ogie, former Member representing South South on the Board of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), also enjoined adherents of the Islamic Faith to sustain the virtues of tolerance, forgiveness, love, patience, self discipline, sacrifice and genuine commitment to fellow Nigerians irrespective of their religion, tribe or race as taught by Prophet Muhammad.

While felicitating with the Muslim Faithful, the party Chieftain urged Muslims and all Nigerians to promote acts that can unite the country and wished all Muslims a blissful celebration.


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