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Nwaeze Onu Mourns Mentor,Ogbonnaya Onu

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

Adieu : Paragon of Excellence; His Excellency Ogbonnaya Onu

Death is said to be the necessary end of every man according to philosophers but it pains to lose a dear one whose place in the society is very difficult to replace.

His Excellency, Christopher Ogbonnaya Onu was a Paragon of Excellence. With his trademark, resplendent all white outfit, “Ugo’ (Eagle) epitomised many things to many people, in different spheres and realms. A gentleman of repute with uncompromised stance for integrity and character. A man that will eternally be a reference in the nation’s polity when men of character and integrity are talked about.

The Dike Eji Eme Udo 1 (The hero who purveys peace) of Eastern Nigeria lived up to his callings impacting lives and his community. His leadership ingenuity was felt in the different leadership ladders he attained and no doubt that is what distinguished him in the class of our political leadership.

Personally, his death came with shock and mixed feelings. Ndi-igbo have lost a man whose love for his country is unquantifiable unquenchable. I have lost a mentor, leader and beacon of hope. I take solace in his positive deeds on earth.

The first democratically elected governor of old Abia State, and immediate past Minister of Science and Technology, His Excellency Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu (CON) was one of the very few Nigerians that believed in superior interest our great country Nigeria.

His democratic credentials are unrivalled. As one of the proponents of democracy, rule of law and the will of the people, He was one of those that stood their ground for Nigeria’s return to civil democratic rule.

At the dawn of democracy in 1999, He played pivotal role in ushering in democracy in Nigeria including relinquishing his presidential ticket on the platform of the All Peoples Party (APP) in order to ensure the merger of his party which eventually culminated in Alliance for Democracy with late Olu Falae eventually flying the ticket.

His fidelity to the interest of the public remained potent as he was a key figure in the formation of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), once again he demonstrated leadership and patriotism, relinquished his seat as Chairman of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) in order to form the APC, at all times he always put his personal interest last.

Dr. Onu’s contributions to nation-building, promotion of knowledge, integrity, honesty and spirit of service remain outstanding.
Indeed, Nigeria has lost a fine gentleman, a first-class scholar and engineer, a visionary and a rare gem.

It is true that no amount of cry, anguish or pain as a result of your death cam bring him back. As we pray for the eternal repose of his soul, we thank God for a life well spent that brought joy and comfort to many.

Adieu Onye Isi, my mentor. May God keep you in his bosom.

Hon. Nwaeze Onu
Deputy National Chairman

Rest in Peace Dear Uncle.

Dr. Chukwuma Ifeanyi Odii
2023 Ebonyi State Governorship Candidate of the PDP


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