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It’s Time For Youths To Take Control Of LGA Leaderships In Ebonyi – Hon. Eze

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By Roland Ike

TheSpecial Assistant to Former Governor David Umahi on Street Lights Project, Hon. Collins Eze has said that it was time for youths to totally take control of leadership of Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Ebonyi state.

Eze made the call in an interview in Abakalikii on the backdrop of preparations for the forthcoming LGA polls in the state.

The All Progressives Congress (APC) Stalwart said that the efforts of the youthful Governor of the state, Rt.Hon Francis Nwifuru in revamping all facets of the state’s existence should be replicated at the grassroots.

“The governor has used his youthful zeal to confront and surmount challenges facing the state using the People’s Charter of Needs mantra as the antidote.

“He has revamped the education, health, civil service sectors and also sustained the legacies of his predecessor in infrastructural development.”

He noted that the governor has added life to the existence of serving and retired civil servants by increasing salaries and other entitlements due to the serving civil servants while offsetting arrears of pensions and gratuities of retired workers.

“Health facilities especially at the rural areas have been rehabilitated with adequate staffing to ensure that the rural populace access quality health care.

“The doctors have been adequately motivated with the provision of Sports Utility Vehicles to ease movements while their allowances have been increased.

“Teachers are now motivated to discharge their duties effectively while infrastructure in schools across the state have been upgraded for easy teaching and learning,”

Eze noted that several roads have been constructed in the urban and rural areas as the impact of the governor on the state ‘s governance within one year cannot be quantified.

“Thia is the type of impact needed in the rural areas of the state and can only be effected by youthful ebullience as typified by the governor.

“I am throwing myself in the ring to contest the Chairmanship position of Ezza North LGA of the state and I pledge to replicate the governor’s wonders in the council.

“The people will be paramount in my governance and solving their needs would be my guiding principle,”

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