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Group Hails Emergence Of Media Manager As Chairmanship Candidate In Ebonyi LG Polls

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By Roland Ike

The Ebonyi South in Diaspora group has identified with the emergence of a media guru, Timothy Nwachi as a candidate in the forthcoming Local Government Area elections in the state.

The group’s President General, Barr. Oko Ewa Enyim said in an interview that it will support Nwachi’s Chairmanship candidacy for Afikpo North Local Government Area of the state.

Enyim commended the All Progressives Congress (APC) for conducting a transparency primary which ensured that Nwachi will fly its flag at the polls.

“The party has identified with Gov. Francis Nwifuru’s mantra of transparency in ensuring fairness and credibility in all facets of the state.

“This is a testament of the governor’s unwavering commitment towards enthroning genuine democracy in the state starting from the local government areas.”

The group’s president general described Nwachi’s as a square peg in a square hole, noting that he is grass-rooted and well equipped to deliver the goods.

“We the natives of Afikpo attest that Nwachi possesses the qualities to replicate the governor’s democratic and human-uplifting ideals in the council.

“Nwachi’s eventual emergence as chairman will usher in the needed peace and tranquility in the area under a leadership of transparency, accessibility, among other virtues.

“The people are thus expecting real progress and development in the area as the group will contribute all within its reach, to ensure his success at the polls.”

Enyim further described Nwachi as a humble and responsible administrator whose vast experience in public service will be key in providing quality leadership to the people.

“Nwachi excelled as the Former Director General of the Ebonyi Broadcasting Corporation and the Immediate Past Deputy Chief of Staff to the state Governor among other top positions.

“His pedigree especially in the media industry stands him out as a tool of re-integration and beacon of hope for the people.”

Enyim said that the group is solidly behind the state government in achieving its goals as contained in its people’s charter of needs mantra.

“The ceaseless surge of eminent personalities and political heavyweights into the APC signifies the party ‘s total acceptance in the state.

“Afikpo North LGA will demonstrate such at the polls,” Enyim said.

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